
Issue 1191

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February 2021
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U.S. General Purpose Brands-Purchase Volume in 2020

Consumer, business and commercial cards issued in the U.S. with the brands of Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover generated $6.749 trillion in purchase volume in 2020, up 0.8% over 2019.

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February 17, 2021



U.S. General Purpose Brands–Purchase Volume in 2020

U.S. General Purpose Cards with Change vs. 2019

U.S. Credit Card Outstandings with Change vs. 2019

Market Shares of Purchase Volume on General Purpose Cards in the U.S.

General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.

Purchase Volume on Mastercard and Visa Credit and Debit Cards

Visa vs. Mastercard Credit and Debit Cards in Circulation 2010-2020

Credit, Debit & Prepaid Cards

Debit & Prepaid Cards

Investments & Acquisitions–January 2021


Credit Card Outstandings in the U.S.

Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover credit card outstandings at year-end 2020 declined 14.9% from 2019 to $866.28 billion.

$418.05 billion, -15.0%
$274.78 billion, -15.5%
American Express
$101.99 billion, -17.5%
$71.47 billion, -7.4%

Full access to the U.S. Credit Card Outstandings in 2020 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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