
Issue 1205

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September 2021
Featured Chart

POS Terminal Shipments Worldwide-2020

The eight largest manufacturers of POS terminals in 2020 accounted for 63% of the 135.0 million total units shipped worldwide.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

In October we will contact you with offers to help expand access to the Nilson
Report across your business. Why? Two very good reasons: The first is that our
data is often quoted across companies by marketing, product, security and
research departments alike. The second is that many of our subscribers found
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David Robertson, Publisher
September 30, 2021



POS Terminal Manufacturers Worldwide

Shipments by Type of Device—with Market Shares

Manufacturers of POS Terminals Shipped in 2020—by Region

POS Terminal Manufacturers’ Market Shares—Shares of Shipments 2020 vs. 2019

Visa and Mastercard Commercial Card Products—Purchase Volume 2020

Asia–Pacific’s Top 5 Acquirers of Mastercard and Visa Transactions

Top Acquirers of General Purpose Cards in Asia Pacific—Ranked by Purchase Transactions

Asia–Pacific’s Largest Mastercard and Visa Merchant Acquirers

Investments & Acquisitions—August 2021


Visa and Mastercard Commercial Card Products—Purchase Volume 2020

Visa and Mastercard commercial credit and debit card products generated purchase volume in excess of $1 trillion in 2020. That amount was a decline of 3.4% from 2019.

1. Small Business
$391.36 billion total purchase volume, -2.1%
2. Debit & Prepaid
$308.89 billion total purchase volume, +16.5%
3. Purchasing & Fleet
$300.94 billion total purchase volume, -15.7%
4. Corporate
$31.98 billion total purchase volume, -32.6%
5. Totals
$1,033.17 billion total purchase volume, -3.4%

Full access to the Visa and Mastercard Commercial Card Products—Purchase Volume 2020 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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