
Issue 1213

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
February 2022
Featured Chart

U.S. General Purpose Brands—Purchase Volume

Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover consumer, business and commercial cards issued in the U.S. generated $8.461 trillion in purchase volume in 2021. This was an increase of 25.1% over 2020.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

On pages 12 and 13 we illustrate the largest investments and acquisitions that
took place in the card payment industry over the course of 2021. We have been
publishing an Investments & Acquisitions table (page 17) with this valuable
information every month for the last five years, and we hope that it continues to be a valuable resource for you and your company

David Robertson, Publisher
February 15, 2022



U.S. General Purpose Brands—Purchase Volume

U.S. General Purpose Cards—2021 with change vs. 2020

Market Shares of Purchase Volume on General Purpose Cards in the U.S.—2021

U.S. Credit Card Outstandings

General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.—2021 with change vs. 2020

Purchase Volume on Mastercard and Visa Credit and Debit Cards in the U.S.

Mastercard and Visa Cards in Circulation in the U.S.—2011 through 2021

Mastercard and Visa Credit, Debit & Prepaid Cards in the U.S.

Mastercard and Visa Debit and Prepaid Cards in the U.S.

Payment Industry Investments—2021

Investments & Acquisitions—January 2022


U.S. Credit Card Outstandings
Featured in our current issue are U.S. credit card receivables for the four global brand card networks—Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover—at year-end 2021. Their combined total was $932.85 billion.

Visa, $445.22 billion, 47.73% market share
+6.5% vs. 2020
Mastercard, $291.81 billion, 31.28% market share
+6.2% vs. 2020
American Express, $121.44 billion, 13.02% market share
+19.1% vs. 2020
Discover, $74.37 billion, 7.97% market share
+4.1% vs. 2020

Full access to the Top 50 Mastercard & Visa Credit Card Issuers results in the United States is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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