
Issue 1225

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
August 2022
Featured Article

Mastercard Prepares for Quantum Computing with D-Wave

Real-world applications that leverage the great power of quantum computing technology are not years away from making a commercial impact as many IT department heads believe. Financial institutions including Bank of Canada, BBVA and CaixaBank are already working with the technology, which uses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are too complex for legacy, silicon-based “classical” computers.
Featured Chart

Asia-Pacific Global Network Cards

The six brands of global cards issued in the Asia-Pacific region—UnionPay, Visa, Mastercard, JCB, American Express and Diners Club—generated 263.0 billion transactions in 2021, an increase of 26.0% versus 2020.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

On page 11 you’ll find an article on Mastercard’s plan to bring quantum computing to the payment card industry. This marks the third time that we have featured this technology and the impact it is expected to have on fraud fighting, loyalty and rewards, cross-border payments and other applications. For 52 years, the Nilson Report has made it a priority to identify technological advancements, from single-message PIN at the point of sale to artificial intelligence in risk management. We will continue to do so.

David Robertson, Publisher
August 16, 2022



Asia-Pacific Global Network Cards Market Shares in 2021

Spending, Transactions and Cards by Global Brand in Asia-Pacific

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions in Asia-Pacific 2011-2021

Top 5 Mastercard and Visa Issuers in Middle East and Africa 2011 vs. 2021

Top Card Issuers in the Middle East and Africa–2021

Top 50 Credit Card Issuers in the Middle East and Africa–2021

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the Middle East and Africa–2021

Investments & Acquisitions–July 2022


Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in the Middle East and Africa–2021

The 50 largest issuers of credit cards and debit cards are ranked on pages 8 and 9 based on purchase volume generated in 2021. The five largest debit card issuers are listed here.

1. Al Rajhi Bank, Saudi Arabia
$21.06 billion
2. FirstBank, Nigeria
$20.97 billion
3. Kuwait Finance, Kuwait
$18.20 billion
4. Saudi National, Saudi Arabia
$14.29 billion
5. Boubyan Bank, Kuwait
$11.64 billion

Full access to the Top 50 Debit Card Issuers results in the Middle East and Africa for 2021 is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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