
Issue 1242

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
May 2023
Featured Article

Visa Direct Adds Wallets

TerraPay will bring Visa Direct connections to 30 digital wallet providers in Africa and Southeast Asia.
Featured Chart

Europe’s Top Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Purchase Transactions in 2022 vs. 2021

Credit, debit and prepaid card transactions at merchants in Europe from the 45 largest acquirers reached 168.47 billion in 2022 including global brand and domestic-only cards.

Message from the Publisher

The feature article in this issue is Europe’s 45 Largest Merchant Acquirers, a survey we have published annually for 17 years. Survey results of merchant acquirers, payment card issuers and the global card networks covering the US, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, Canada and Europe are distributed in 20 of the 22 issues we publish every year. With this work we can say unquestionably that the Nilson Report is unmatched as a provider of market intelligence in the payment card industry.

David Robertson, Publisher
May 31, 2023



Europe’s Top Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Purchase Transactions 2022 vs. 2021

Domestic Credit and Debit Card Transactions as a Share of All Purchase Transactions at Top Acquirers

Europe’s Top Acquirers of Web Transactions in 2022

Europe’s 45 Top Merchant Acquirers—Ranked by Mastercard and Visa Transactions

US Card Network Results—First Quarter 2023

Third 50 Largest Mastercard and Visa Credit Card Issuers

Largest US Credit Card Issuers—First Quarter 2023

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments


Largest US Credit Card Issuers—First Quarter 2023

Credit cards issued in the US generated $1.363 trillion in purchase volume in the first quarter of 2023. The five largest issuers ranked by purchase volume are listed below.

1. J.P. Morgan Chase
$287.16 billion in purchase volume
2. American Express
$264.33 billion in purchase volume
3. Citi
$148.34 billion in purchase volume
4. Capital One
$138.31 billion in purchase volume
5. Bank of America
$117.58 billion in purchase volume

Full access to the Largest US Credit Card Issuers for the First Quarter of 2023 is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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