Wise Adds Business Cards
The company is a direct member of Visa and Mastercard
in the European Union, the UK, Singapore, New Zealand
and Australia.
Defense Against Money Mules
Account-to-account scams are becoming more common, growing with the introduction of real-time payment systems.
Au10tix Identity Verification
The company provides banks, creditors and merchants with fully automated identity verification tools needed to make risk decisions when opening new accounts and monitoring transactions in real time.
Worldpay from FIS Offers Commerce 360
Most customers for Commerce 360 are merchants with fewer than 20 locations that accept up to $15 million in card sales annually.
VoicePay for Contact Centers via WhatsApp
VoicePay, which can be white labeled, protects against fraud that can occur at those centers, especially insider fraud.
ACI Adds Instant Pay for A2A Payments
Instant Pay is an account-to-account payment service that can be accessed via a single integration.
Amex Acquires Nipendo for B2B Accounts Receivable Payments
Commercial payments account for 45% of total billed business at American Express, and more than 70% of those payments are business to business (B2B)—mostly driven by small businesses.
Investments & Acquisitions in 2022
There were 700 transactions in card payments and related fields in 2022. There were 382 transactions in the first half of the year and 318 in the second half. Those deals occurred in 68 countries.
Payment Card Transactions Projected Worldwide — 2022 through 2027
UnionPay, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Discover/Diners Club—the global network cards—are projected to generate 891.20 billion transactions in 2027, an increase of 42.3% over 2022. This is a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3% per year.
Equinix Digital Infrastructure
In business since 1998, Equinix operates 240 data centers worldwide in more than 70 metropolitan areas in 32 countries. It provides secure, low-latency network support services to stock markets, payment card networks, central banks, national payment systems, Tier 1 banks and other clients.