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Biometric Card Test in Italy

Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy’s largest credit card issuer and the 12th largest in Europe, will test biometric fingerprint cards with 150 bank employees. The dual-interface EMV-compliant cards, which are manufactured by Gemalto, carry the Mastercard brand. The test is scheduled to last four months. The Gemalto biometric cards in the Intesa Sanpaolo test use sensors manufactured by Sweden-based Fingerprint Cards. Norway-based Zwipe is providing the inlays needed to hold the sensors and connect the card’s circuitry for integration into the standard manufacturing process. When the sensor inside t...

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November 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top 150 Card Issuers Worldwide Ranked by Outstandings

Total Chip Card Shipments 2017

Chip Card Shipments by Category and Type of Card 2017

Top Debit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume & Country 2017

150 Largest Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide 2017