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Blockchain and Contactless Card Payments

This month SETL, Deloitte, and Metro Bank successfully demonstrated a contactless blockchain smart card retail payment system. Metro Bank in the U.K. is a Deloitte client. More than 100 Deloitte employees were issued contactless smart cards with prepaid balances for use at three charities that sold cupcakes as a fundraiser. The test lasted 45 minutes. All cardholder card balances were updated in real time on the blockchain ledger. The charities immediately received funds from the sale, something that was possible because the buyers were using prepaid accounts. This blockchain test did not inco...

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November 2016
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Issuers of Payment Cards Worldwide 2015

Visa & Mastercard Worldwide thru 3Q 2016 vs. 3Q 2015

Largest Credit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume & Country 2015

Largest Debit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume & Country 2015