
Mentioned Companies:

Caixa Pagamentos Acquiring with Fiserv in Brazil

Brazil’s largest bank measured by the size of its network and number of customers, Caixa Econômica Federal, operates 4,169 branches, connects to 13,056 lottery outlets and 8,800 correspondent banks and serves over 145.8 million consumer and business accounts. It is the country’s top provider of mortgages and savings accounts. However, Caixa has never made an effort to maximize revenues from card payments. The bank has decided to change that by forming a merchant acquiring business called Caixa Pagamentos. The stand-alone company’s initial focus will be on micromerchants. Caixa bra...

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July 2021
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Asia-Pacific Global Network Cards 2020—Purchase Transactions

Asia-Pacific Spending, Transaction and Cards by Global Brand

Asia-Pacific Market Shares of Purchase Transactions—2008-2020

U.S. Debit Card Issuers—Ranked 51-100

U.S. Merchant Processing Fees—2020

Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Financing Transactions—January-June 2021