
Mentioned Companies:

Card Manufacturers—Part 2

Shipments of payment cards in 2021 by manufacturer were published in issue 1229. The table on the next page shows shipments by manufacturer of SIM cards, transportation/ticketing cards, private label prepaid cards, phone cards and nonpayment cards such as those for identification, access control, membership/loyalty, promotions, healthcare, driver’s licenses, etc. To get the total shipments for each manufacturer, combine the figures from this table and the payment card table in issue 1229). When combined, the manufacturers with the most shipments in 2021 of chip and magstripe cards were Th...

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November 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Largest Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide 2021—Ranked by Outstandings

Market Shares for the Top Issuing Countries Ranked by Outstandings

Outstandings Worldwide Ranked by Region—2011 through 2021

Top 150 Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide

Card Manufacturers 2021—Part 2

Global Brand General Purpose Cards—Midyear 2022 vs. Midyear 2021

POS Device Manufacturers—Other Devices Shipped in 2021

Investments & Acquisitions—October 2022