
Mentioned Companies:

Card Not Present (CNP) Fraud Prevention

Start-up Tender Armor offers software that issuers can add to their authorization platform which creates a new CVV code on a daily basis to provide two-factor, out-of-band fraud prevention. Cardholders can use Tender Armor’s CvvPlus codes to secure card-not-present (CNP) transactions, including payments made using telephones. The code is sent daily to cardholders through a text message or email. Cardholders can request the code via a text message or gain access at their issuer’s website. Tender Armor’s software can be deployed on an issuer’s authorization platform in 30 to 60 days. ...

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December 2015
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Charts in this Issue

Investments & Acquisitions – November 2014

Purchase Transactions on U.S. Consumer Payment Systems

Largest Payment Card Issuers by Type 2014

Largest Debit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume & Country 2014

Largest Credit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume & Country 2014

U.S. Consumer Payment Systems in 2009, 2014, and 2019

U.S. Consumer Payment Systems – Paper, Cards, Electronic

Personal Consumption Expenditures in the United States (Market Shares)