
Mentioned Companies:

Citi Pay Mobile Wallet

Citi will offer a proprietary mobile payment wallet to digital banking customers in Australia and Singapore by year-end who are Android smartphone users. Citi Pay users will initiate in-store purchases by tapping a phone at NFC-enabled payment terminals or trigger mobile commerce purchases from within a retailer’s app. Online payments at ecommerce sites will likely be added in 2017. There are six million NFC-enabled POS locations worldwide. Australia and Singapore are markets in which NFC-enabled POS terminals are already ubiquitous. Citi Pay is a stand-alone app. It is not embedded in th...

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November 2016
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Top Issuers of Payment Cards Worldwide 2015

Visa & Mastercard Worldwide thru 3Q 2016 vs. 3Q 2015

Largest Credit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume & Country 2015

Largest Debit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume & Country 2015