
Mentioned Companies:

CompoSecure Offers New Card Products

Best known for manufacturing metal cards that issuers offer to affluent individuals, including the American Express Centurion and Platinum cards and the Delta SkyMiles Amex co-branded card made of recycled airplane aluminum, CompoSecure will launch two new products in 2023. The transparent Lux Glass card will be the first payment card made using Corning’s Gorilla Glass. CompoSecure has surrounded the glass with a stainless steel ring. The card is designed to be contactless. The NFC antenna needed to initiate transactions can be visible or hidden by the design. The Lux Glass card is exp...

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December 2022

Articles in this Issue

Charts, Tables and Graphs in this Issue

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Card Fraud Worldwide, Inside the US vs. Outside the US

Card Fraud Worldwide—2011 through 2021

Card Fraud Projected through 2031

Fraud by Type of Card 2021

Personal Consumption Expenditures in the US 2021

Consumer Payments in the US 2021 with Projections for 2026

Merchant Acceptance Locations

Market Shares of Purchase Volume on Domestic Cards Worldwide

Largest Debit Card Issuers Worldwide–Ranked by Purchase Volume

Spending on Commercial & Consumer Cards in the US

US Visa and Mastercard Commercial Card Products

Commercial Cards’ Share of US General Purchase Volume—2011 through 2021

Largest Credit Card Issuers Worldwide–Ranked by Purchase Volume

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments