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Crypto/Fiat Currency Visa Cards

Wirex opened for business in the U.K. in 2014, offering the first platform capable of buying and selling cryptocurrency and converting that digital money to fiat currency (British pounds, euros, and U.S. dollars) for use in stores through a Visa debit card. That contactless Visa card, which is issued by Contis (also the account processor), is carried by more than 100,000 cardholders in Europe. All cards have international bank account numbers and bank identifier codes. Cardholders can buy and sell Bitcoin, XRP, Ethereum, and Litecoin cryptocurrencies. And they can load pounds, euros, or dol...

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November 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Card Fraud Worldwide–Annual Increase/Decrease in Fraud vs. Total Volume

Investments & Acquisitions–October 2018

U.S. General Purpose Cards through 3rd Quarter 2018

Fraud by Type of Card 2017

Percentage of Fraud Occurring Inside vs. Outside the U.S.

Card Fraud Projected Worldwide

Largest Credit Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific

Largest Debit Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific

Top General Purpose/Visa/Mastercard Card Issuers in Asia–Pacific 2017