
Mentioned Companies:

First Data Cross-Border Data Security

The European Union’s (EU) Data Protection Directive spells out the minimum privacy and security standards to which companies must adhere to qualify for approval to move both employee and customer data outside Europe from the 28 countries within the EU. These data protection standards are considered to be the toughest in the world for commercial entities. Certification for the Data Protection Directive is granted by agencies within each EU country. First Data, which supports 300,000 merchants in the EU, has become the first U.S.-based company to receive certification for its Binding Corpor...

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February 2015
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Volume for U.S. General Purpose Brands

Investments & Acquisitions – January 2015

U.S. Credit Card Outstandings

Purchase Volume on U.S. General Purpose Cards 2014

U.S. General Purpose Cards 2014 vs. 2013

Change in Purchase Volume 2014 vs. 2013

Market Shares of Purchase Volume – Visa vs. MasterCard

U.S. General Purpose Credit Cards

U.S. Visa & MasterCard Debit & Prepaid Cards

U.S. Visa & MasterCard Credit, Debit, & Prepaid Cards