
Mentioned Companies:

Nacha’s B2B Payment Information Platform

Phixius is a blockchain-supported data sharing platform Nacha will offer in the U.S. to supply bank routing information, payment preferences, invoice-related data elements, and more to facilitate straight-through processing of accounts payables. The aim is to support payment methods including ACH, wire transfers, commercial credit cards, real-time payments, and person-to-business payments from networks such as Zelle, while eliminating business-to-business check payments. Nacha worked with Discover Financial Services as a technology partner to demonstrate the proof-of-concept for Phixius. Er...

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April 2020
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Canada Purchase Transactions & Brand Market Shares in 2019

Investments & Acquisitions—March 2020

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions in Canada 2000–2019

Canada General Purpose Cards 2019 vs. 2018

Canada Credit Card Purchase Volume in Canadian Dollars 2015–2019

General Purpose Credit Card Issuers in Canada 2019—Ranked by Outstandings

Canada Market Shares of Visa & Mastercard Outstandings 2019