
Mentioned Companies:

Newland Payment Technology POS Terminal

Last year, Newland Payment Technology shipped 8.7 million devices and overtook Verifone to become the second largest POS terminal manufacturer in the world. China-based Newland’s customers are mostly in Asia-Pacific where it is the top vendor in the region. The latest Newland POS terminal is the handheld N910 shown here. The device uses the Android 5.1 operating system and has a high performance quad-core CPU and secure processor. The 5-inch full color LCD has a capacitive multitouch screen that delivers resolution of 1280 pixels by 720 pixels. The N910 has a built-in 1D/2D barcode ...

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July 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Europe Market Shares of Purchase Volume 2017

Investments & Acquisitions—June 2018

Prepaid Cards in the U.S. 2017

U.S. Store Credit Cards 2017 vs. 2016

Europe Market Shares of Purchase Transactions by Brand

Europe General Purpose Cards 2017 vs. 2016

Year-Over-Year Growth/Decline in Purchase Volume on Cards Issued in Europe 2000-2017

U.S. Visa & Mastercard Commercial Cards Purchase Volume 2017