
Mentioned Companies:

Open Standard for Financial Services Blockchains

Visa, Citi, Fiserv, First Data, Capital One, Nasdaq, and Fidelity are strategic investors in two-year-old Chain, which builds blockchain networks for specific applications including a wide variety of use cases in financial services. Blockchains are cryptographic-secured distributed ledger (database) protocols that permit peer-to-peer (no intermediary) instant routing of transactions within networks. Bitcoin and other digital currencies were synonymous with blockchain networks when both were introduced in 2008. Digital currencies do use blockchains. They are also a new asset class, which means ...

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May 2016
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Latin America Purchase Volume 2015 vs. 2014

Investments & Acquisitions – April 2016

Purchase Transactions on Cards Issued in Latin America 2015 vs. 2020

Latin America General Purpose Cards 2015 vs. 2014

Purchases at Merchants on U.S. General Purpose Cards

Purchase Volume at Merchants Using General Purpose Credit, Debit & Prepaid Cards Issued in the U.S.