
Mentioned Companies:

Payment Processing for Games/Apps/Streaming

Mobile network operators (MNOs) worldwide billed their customers over $20 billion last year on behalf of sellers of apps, games, and streaming services such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Spotify, Samsung, and Amazon. Less than 50% of the value of those sales are processed through direct payment acquiring contracts between the MNOs and the sellers. About 90% of the sellers connect to the MNO by way of third-party payment facilitators that focus on carrier-based billing. Among those third-party providers is publicly traded (London Stock Exchange) Bango. The company has doubled payment volume p...

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March 2020
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Latin America Purchase Transactions and Market Shares in 2019

Latin America Market Shares of Purchase Volume by Brand 2019

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions in Latin America 2000–2019

Latin America General Purpose Cards 2019

Second 50 Largest Mastercard & Visa Credit Card Issuers in the U.S.—Ranked by Outstandings 2019