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PCI Security Standard Update

Data Security Standard 3.2, published by the PCI Security Standards Council, took effect April 28, 2016 for all entities that store and transit data. The updated version ties a service provider’s upper management to responsibility for PCI compliance, commits all organizations to move to Transport Layer Security (TLS) protection for websites, and requires mandatory two-factor authentication for any individual(s) who have access to card data onsite. Service providers include issuers, acquirers, gateways, card processors, transaction processors, call center operators, back-up data centers, a...

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May 2016
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Latin America Purchase Volume 2015 vs. 2014

Investments & Acquisitions – April 2016

Purchase Transactions on Cards Issued in Latin America 2015 vs. 2020

Latin America General Purpose Cards 2015 vs. 2014

Purchases at Merchants on U.S. General Purpose Cards

Purchase Volume at Merchants Using General Purpose Credit, Debit & Prepaid Cards Issued in the U.S.