
Mentioned Companies:

Top 150 Debit Card Issuers Worldwide

Spending for goods and services—purchase volume—initiated by the 150 largest issuers of debit cards combined reached $11.164 trillion in 2021, an increase of 12.9% over 2020. The 10 largest issuers accounted for 59.5% of purchase volume in 2021 among the top 150. The 5 issuers from China dominated the top 10. Nearly all their $4.752 trillion in purchase volume occurred on the UnionPay merchant network. There were 3 US issuers among the top 10. They generated $1.334 trillion in purchase volume, nearly all on the Visa and Mastercard networks. The largest debit card issuer in Russia rem...

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December 2022
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Card Fraud Worldwide, Inside the US vs. Outside the US

Card Fraud Worldwide—2011 through 2021

Card Fraud Projected through 2031

Fraud by Type of Card 2021

Personal Consumption Expenditures in the US 2021

Consumer Payments in the US 2021 with Projections for 2026

Merchant Acceptance Locations

Market Shares of Purchase Volume on Domestic Cards Worldwide

Largest Debit Card Issuers Worldwide–Ranked by Purchase Volume

Spending on Commercial & Consumer Cards in the US

US Visa and Mastercard Commercial Card Products

Commercial Cards’ Share of US General Purchase Volume—2011 through 2021

Largest Credit Card Issuers Worldwide–Ranked by Purchase Volume

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments