
Mentioned Companies:

Top 150 Merchant Acquirers Worldwide

Turn to page 6 for a ranking of the 150 largest merchant acquirers of general purpose credit, debit, and prepaid card transactions handled during calendar year 2019. Those acquirers were headquartered in 45 countries. U.S.-based companies accounted for 32 places on the ranking. Figures include the consolidation of all brands of international and domestic cards. There were 10 acquirers from Turkey and 7 acquirers each from France, Russia, and Iran. Acquirers in Brazil and Japan each held 5 places. There were 4 each in Italy, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea. Of those listed, 58 handled more tha...

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September 2020
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top 6 Merchant Acquirers Worldwide—Ranked by Transactions in 2019

Market Shares of Top 10 Acquirers vs the Remaining 140

Largest 150 Merchant Acquirers Worldwide–Ranked by Total Purchase Transactions

Top 10 Issuers of Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards in the U.S. at Midyear

100 Largest U.S. Mastercard/Visa Credit Card Issuers Midyear 2020—Ranked by Purchase Volume

100 Largest U.S. Mastercard/Visa Credit Card Issuers Midyear 2020—Ranked by Outstandings

Buy Now, Pay Later Deals in 2020–through September 30

POS Terminal Manufacturers–Other POS Devices Shipped in 2019

Top Issuers of General Purpose Credit Cards in the U.S.—Midyear 2020