
Mentioned Companies:

Top US Issuers in Mastercard Send and Visa Direct

From our annual ranking of the 100 largest US debit card issuers, 42 financial institutions reported transactions involving Mastercard Send and Visa Direct for 2023. Transactions from the issuers shown here totaled 2.71 billion last year.

Mastercard Send and Visa Direct are business-to-consumer and consumer-to-consumer funds transfers pushed over the card networks to a recipient’s debit card account in 30 minutes or less. There are two types of Mastercard Send and Visa Direct debit card transfers, outflows and inflows. Outflows are Account Funding Transaction...

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September 2024
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Volume on Europe’s Global Brand General Purpose Cards

Europe’s Global Brand Network Cards Spending, Transactions and Cards in Circulation

US Mastercard Send/Visa Direct Debit Card Transfers — 2023

Top Acquirers of General Purpose Cards in LA&C

50 Largest Merchant Acquirers in Latin America

Investments & Acquisitions — August 2024

Publicly Traded Companies in Payments — September 2024