
Mentioned Companies:

Verrency Issuer Innovation Platform

Payment card issuers can be challenged in their abilities to bring new products and services quickly to market by limited budgets and legacy authorization/account processing and customer service systems. Through a single integration, Verrency provides a hosted service that gives issuers access to a set of API capabilities for their digital—mobile, web, and customer service—applications. Verrency connects to an issuer using existing message protocols. Issuers don’t need to make any changes to their legacy systems. Cardholders only see the issuer’s brand associated with the product or se...

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March 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top U.S. Acquirers in 2017 Purchase Transactions with Change vs. 2016

Investments & Acquisitions-February 2018

Top U.S. Merchant Acquirers Ranked by Total Purchase Volume in 2017

U.S. Merchant Acquirers Ranked by Visa/Mastercard Volume in 2017

U.S. Card-Not-Present Acquirers in 2017