
Visa Wants B2B Cross-Border Payments Company

Visa has offered to pay $252 million (£198 million) to buy Earthport, a U.K.-based provider of cross-border payments, including settlement and foreign exchange services for banks, money transfer companies, and other businesses. Earthport, which is headquartered in London, maintains offices in New York, Miami, Singapore, and Dubai. The company is regulated by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Earthport is regulated and governed similarly to banks and money transfer companies. It is a member of Swift. Earthport customers include Xoom, WorldRemit, Japan Post Bank, Azimo, Hyperwa...

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January 2019

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U.S. General Purpose Cards, Outstandings vs. Purchase Volume

Investments & Acquisitions—December 2018

Projected Growth of Purchase Transactions Worldwide

Outstandings as a Percentage of Purchase Volume on U.S. General Purpose Cards 1990-2018