
Issue 1231

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
November 2022
Featured Article

Walmart Offers Pay with Points through FIS

Walmart offers consumers connected to the FIS Premium Payback program real-time redemption of points awarded by their credit card and debit card issuer at its more than 4,700 stores in the US and Puerto Rico. Each of those stores has approximately 40 POS terminals.
Featured Chart

Largest Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide 2021

The 8 issuers listed here owned $853.63 billion in outstanding credit card receivables on December 31, 2021. This represented 37.8% of outstandings generated by the top 150.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

We are frequently obligated to send a sternly worded letter to businesses that, intentionally or unintentionally, violate our intellectual property rights. This is a legal requirement for protection of our global copyright. We trust that our subscribers value the contribution we make to their businesses and abide by the terms of use in our subscription agreement. Forwarding this digital newsletter is always a violation of copyright. There are no exceptions. Reposting any content published in the Nilson Report requires written permission. For those who wish to share their newsletter with colleagues, we make it easy to add additional subscribers.

David Robertson, Publisher
November 30, 2022



Largest Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide 2021—Ranked by Outstandings

Market Shares for the Top Issuing Countries Ranked by Outstandings

Outstandings Worldwide Ranked by Region—2011 through 2021

Top 150 Credit Card Portfolios Worldwide

Card Manufacturers 2021—Part 2

Global Brand General Purpose Cards—Midyear 2022 vs. Midyear 2021

POS Device Manufacturers—Other Devices Shipped in 2021

Investments & Acquisitions—October 2022


Global Brand General Purpose Cards—Midyear 2022 vs. Midyear 2021

From January 1 to June 30, 2022, Visa, UnionPay, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club/Discover and JCB credit, debit and prepaid cards collectively generated 286.20 billion transactions to purchase goods and services.

125.30 billion purchase transactions
89.94 billion purchase transactions
76.97 billion purchase transactions

Full access to the Global Brand General Purpose Cards Midyear 2022 with change vs. Midyear 2021 results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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