
Issue 1239

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
April 2023
Featured Article

Acquisitions and Financing Deals in Payment Cards — 2022

There were 54 acquisitions and financing deals in payment cards last year in 13 countries.
Featured Chart

Latin America’s Global General Purpose Cards

The general purpose brand cards issued in Latin America generated 47.03 billion transactions last year for purchases of goods and services, up 29.3% from 2021.

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David Robertson, Publisher
April 18, 2023



Latin America’s Global General Purpose Cards—Purchase Transactions in 2022 vs. 2021
Spending, Transactions and Cards by Brand in Latin America
Purchase Transactions on General Purpose Cards in Latin America and the Caribbean—2018 through 2022
Second 50 Largest Mastercard/Visa Credit Card Issuers—Ranked by Outstandings at Year-End 2022
Acquisitions and Investments in Payments Cards—5 Largest Deals in 2022
Acquisitions and Investments in Payment Cards—2022 Annual Totals by Category
Acquisitions and Investments in Payment Cards—2022
Investments & Acquisitions—March 2023


Acquisitions and Financing Deals in Payment Cards—2022

There were 54 acquisitions and corporate financing deals in payment cards in 2022, including consumer and commercial products and processing platforms. The combined monetary value of the deals was $5.92 billion. The monetary value for the 3 largest categories is shown below.

Consumer Credit Cards
$2,783.6 million
Commercial Cards
$1,406.3 million
Prepaid Cards
$1,115.7 million

Full access to the Acquisitions and Financing Deals in Payment Cards in 2022 is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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