
Issue 1243

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
June 2023
Featured Article

Bank Apps Can Facilitate Merchant Communications

Engage Systems has received a patent on its technology, which is based on the ability to identify merchants and facilitate communication using data from payment card interchange. It works with any card brand or product type.
Featured Chart

Commercial Cards in the US

The 93 commercial card issuers shown in this issue generated $1.234 trillion in purchase volume in 2022, up 13.0% from $1.093 trillion in 2021.

Message from the Publisher

We take our copyright seriously for three reasons. One is that selling this product is our only evenue model—we earn no revenue from advertising or sponsored content. We believe our business model promotes objectivity. The second reason is that our employees work hard to acquire proprietary data. In this issue we present statistics on more than 93 companies in the cover story alone. The third reason is our regard for subscribers. You value the Nilson Report enough to pay for and support our advertising-free business model. This is why we ask that all readers respect our copyright, and refrain from forwarding the newsletter to friends or colleagues.

David Robertson, Publisher
June 15, 2023



Commercial Cards in the US-Purchase Volume (Bil.) in 2022 with Share and Percent Change

Largest Commercial Credit Card Issuers in the US

Largest Commercial Debit Card Issuers in the US

US Visa and Mastercard Commercial Card Issuers Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2022

Commercial Prepaid Cards in the US

History of Top 8 Purchase Volume on Corporate, Purchasing and Fleet Cards in the US

Purchasing and Fleet Cards in the US

Corporate Cards in the US

Small Business Debit Cards in the US

Small Business Credit Cards in the US

Investments & Acquisitions-May 2023


Small Business Credit Cards in the US

The 50 largest US issuers of small business credit cards are ranked on page 9 based on purchase volume generated in 2022. The 5 largest are shown here.

JPMorgan Chase
$117.23 billion purchase volume

Capital One
$91.75 billion purchase volume

Bank of America
$61.65 billion purchase volume

$38.88 billion purchase volume

U.S. Bank
$30.57 billion purchase volume

Full access to the Visa and Mastercard Commercial Card Issuers Ranked by Purchase Volume in 2022 in the United States is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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