
Issue 1253

Award-winning business intelligence, payment card statistics, industry news, and dozens of executive contacts in every issue. Subscribers receive 22 issues a year.
December 2023
Featured Article

Biometric Checkout from NEC and Mastercard

More than 1,000 active deployments in over 70 countries use NEC facial recognition technology, including police departments, immigration control agencies, national ID systems, banks and stadiums.
Featured Chart

Top Debit Card Issuers Worldwide

The 8 largest issuers accounted for 52.9% of purchase volume among the top 150. Spending for goods and services initiated by the 8 largest issuers of debit cards combined reached $5.935 trillion in 2022.

Featured Companies

Message from the Publisher

As the year winds to a close, we’d like to thank you for being a loyal subscriber. If you want to show a colleague just why you choose to pay for our exclusive data and news, we want to help. Send us the name and email address of up to three colleagues, and we will offer them three months of the Nilson Report for free. There will be no obligation to subscribe, only our best-in-class business intelligence delivered at no cost.

David Robertson, Publisher
December 6, 2023



Top Debit Card Issuers Worldwide

Debit Card Issuers by Region

150 Largest Debit Card Issuers Worldwide

Market Shares of Purchase Volume on Domestic Credit and Debit Cards Worldwide

Top 50 General Purpose Card Issuers in Asia-Pacific

Top 50 Credit Card Issuers in Asia-Pacific

Top 50 Debit Card Issuers in Asia-Pacific

Personal Consumption Expenditures in the US—2022

Consumer Payment Systems in 2022 with Projections for 2027


Top 50 General Purpose Card Issuers in Asia-Pacific

The 50 largest credit card and debit card issuers in the Asia-Pacific region are ranked based on purchase volume. The five largest issuers ranked by general purpose purchase volume are listed here.

1. China Construction Bank, China
$1.828 trillion purchase volume

2. ICBC, China
$1.435 trillion purchase volume

3. Agricultural Bank, China
$1.367 trillion purchase volume

4. China Merchants Bank, China
$1.108 trillion purchase volume

5. Bank of China, China
$0.779 trillion purchase volume

Full access to the Top 50 General Purpose Card Issuers in Asia-Pacific ranked by general purpose purchase volume results is available when you subscribe to the Nilson Report.

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