Payment Cards Projected Worldwide —2023 through 2028
The global card brand general purpose cards — UnionPay, Visa, Mastercard, JCB, American Express and Discover/Diners Club —are projected to reach 19.38 billion cards by year-end.
M&A in Merchant Processing and Acquiring—2023
There were 25 deals in the US, 23 in Europe, 12 in Asia-Pacific, 7 in the Middle East and Africa, 6 in Latin America and 2 in Canada.
Market Cap Performances by Payment Processors in 2023
Only 9 of the 41 processors posted gains in market capitalization, including 4 of the top 10—Fiserv, Global Payments, Shift4 and Stone.
The Threat from Quantum Computing
Quantum computer models leverage the principles of quantum mechanics—the physics concerned with the behavior of subatomic particles.
Global Brand Card Transactions Projected Worldwide — 2023 through 2028
There will be 323.02 billion more transactions worldwide in 2028 than in 2023.
Top 150 Credit Card Issuers by Purchase Volume — 2022
The 10 largest issuers accounted for 44.8% of purchase volume among the 150 largest.
Vesta Fraud Fighting Platform
When a merchant uses Vesta’s cloud-based Payment Guarantee service and experiences a chargeback, Vesta covers 100% of the transaction amount as well as any associated fees.
Worldwide Card Acceptance Locations for Global Brands — 3Q 2023
Most micro merchants are counted along with other small merchants that are aggregated together by payment facilitators (payfacs) that serve these customers, accounting for an estimated 30 million acceptance locations worldwide.
Card Fraud Losses Worldwide in 2022
Gross card fraud is expressed in basis points (cents) per $100 in total volume. In 2022, it was 6.81¢ per $100 in total volume worldwide. The prior year, the figure was 6.61¢ per $100.
Domestic-Only Credit and Debit Cards Worldwide — 2022
Countries in which both domestic-only credit and debit card products are issued include South Korea (eight bank brands), Brazil (Elo), Russia (Mir), India (RuPay) and Turkey (Troy).