
Mentioned Companies:

Costco Switches Card Partner/Network

Costco, the second largest retailer in the U.S., has been a co-branded card partner of American Express since 2000. Amex/Costco TrueEarnings cards generated $79.79 billion in purchase and cash volume last year, equal to 7.8% of $1.023 trillion in global American Express card volume and 11.6% of U.S. volume of $688.10 billion. Total volume by Amex U.S. cardholders grew 8.0% last year. Costco will switch its issuing partner to Citi beginning April 1, 2016. Citi will issue only Visa brand credit cards for Costco. The card network and card issuing contracts were negotiated separately. Until ...

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March 2015
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Transactions at Top U.S. Acquirers in 2014

Investments and Acquisitions – February 2015

Purchase Volume on General Purpose Cards at Top Acquirers

Merchant Acquirers in the U.S. 2014