
Mentioned Companies:

Discover Financial Results

Discover brand credit and prepaid cards generated $128.82 billion in purchase volume (spending for goods and services) in 2017, up 6.1% or $7.35 billion over 2016. Credit card cash advances totaled $13.05 billion, an increase of 19.7% over 2016. Total volume—purchase volume and cash volume combined of $141.87 billion, grew 7.2%. Cash volume amounted to 9.20% of total volume last year compared to 8.24% the prior year. Credit card outstandings grew by $5.74 billion to $67.30 billion, up 9.3%. Discover’s net principal credit card charge-offs totaled $1.80 billion, up 34.2%. The net prin...

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January 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Transactions Worldwide 2016 vs. 2026

Investments & Acquisitions-December 2017

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions Worldwide 2016 vs. 2026

Acquisitions in Merchant Acquiring January 1-December 31, 2017