
Mentioned Companies:

Finexio B2B Platform

Accounts payable software providers, online marketplaces, and select vertical markets are the focus of business-to-business (B2B) payment platform Finexio. The company’s technology for replacing paper checks is offered to middle market-sized businesses, those with revenues between $50 million and $1 billion. Finexio was formed in 2015 and has spent much of the time since then completing back-end integrations with U.S. merchant acquirers. It says it has the ability to use its straight-through processing capabilities to pay 90% of all U.S. companies that have Visa/Mastercard card acceptance...

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January 2018
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Charts in this Issue

Purchase Transactions Worldwide 2016 vs. 2026

Investments & Acquisitions-December 2017

Market Shares of Purchase Transactions Worldwide 2016 vs. 2026

Acquisitions in Merchant Acquiring January 1-December 31, 2017