
Mentioned Companies:

CompoSecure Metal Payment Cards

Over the last 18 months, CompoSecure has shipped more than one million dual-interface (contact and contactless) EMV-compliant credit and debit cards. The company holds a patent (and is waiting approval of another) on technology that enables the RFID antenna to be shielded from interference from the metal in the card. CompoSecure expects to ship its next one million dual-interface metal cards within six months. The company manufactures full metal cards weighing up to 28 grams and hybrid metal cards weighing 21 grams to the affluent market. For the mass affluent market it manufactures metal v...

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September 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Worldwide

Investments & Acquisitions—August 2018

Acceptance Locations for Global Brands 2017

Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Ranked by Shipments 2017 vs. 2016

Total Payment Card Shipments by Manufacturer 2017

Payment Card Shipments by Type of Card 2017

Largest 150 Merchant Acquirers Worldwide 2017