
Mentioned Companies:

Payment Card Shipments—2017

Payment card shipments worldwide reached 6.49 billion last year, up 0.9% over 2016. Manufacturer shipments shown here include: Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, JCB, and Maestro global general purpose credit, debit, and prepaid cards; ATM and local-market-only general purpose credit, debit, and prepaid cards; and retail, oil/fleet, medical, airline, and other private label credit and debit payment cards. Cards shown here include all magstripe-only and chip cards shipped. Gemalto, Idemia (formerly Oberthur Technologies and Morpho), G+D Mobile Security, Topp...

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September 2018
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Worldwide

Investments & Acquisitions—August 2018

Acceptance Locations for Global Brands 2017

Top Manufacturers of Payment Cards Ranked by Shipments 2017 vs. 2016

Total Payment Card Shipments by Manufacturer 2017

Payment Card Shipments by Type of Card 2017

Largest 150 Merchant Acquirers Worldwide 2017