
Mentioned Companies:

Norway’s Valyou Mobile Service

Telenor, Norway’s largest mobile network operator (MNO), and DNB, the country’s largest bank, are equity participants in Valyou, a contactless mobile payment platform that provides consumers with a digital wallet for making debit payments at Visa payWave POS terminals worldwide. In October 2014 Telenor began offering the service to the nearly 1 million of its more than 3.2 million subscribers who are also customers of DNB. The Valyou mobile wallet application runs only on NFC-enabled Android phones that are verified by Valyou for compatibility with the application and certified by Visa ...

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January 2015
Headlines in this Issue
Charts in this Issue

Purchase Volume Worldwide, 2013 vs. 2023

Market Shares of Purchase Volume Worldwide, 2013 vs. 2023

Private Label Gas Cards

Income at Top U.S. Credit Card Issuers, Company Net vs. Card Net

Discover Card Results in the U.S., 2014 vs. 2013

American Express Results in the U.S., 2014 vs. 2013

Card Volume at U.S. Gas Stations 2013

Private Label Gasoline Credit Cards 2013